SPA refers to the brand under which the SPA Group Companies provide investment advisory, mutual fund distribution, merchant banking services, portfolio management, Non-banking financial services, insurance broking services, among others to their clients and/or refers to one or more group company, as the context requires. SPA among other refers to SPA Valuation Advisors Private Limited. Each Group Company of SPA is a separate legal entity. SPA and its group company are not agents of, and do not obligate, one another and are not liable for one another’s acts or omissions.
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Social Media Disclaimer:
SPA, its affiliates and group companies shall in no way assume any responsibility for the content published on any Social Media page about SPA (including but not limited to, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube) by any account/page other than those officially administered by the company and linked on the website. The views published in the former are those of the individual users and do not represent those of SPA.
SPA does not accept any liability for any inconvenience or damages suffered from publication of any statement on social media pages other than the official pages of the company linked on the website. While attempts will be made to respond to all reasonable queries, SPA reserves the right not to respond and/or to respond directly to a customer/user. Communications in the financial services industry are highly regulated, and SPA may, in its sole discretion, remove comments or followers for various reasons.
Any statements published by SPA on its official social media accounts are for information purposes only and must be read with the applicable statutory/regulatory disclaimers. No part of these social media posts are intended to make a recommendation, offer, invitation, solicitation or state a testimonial for or about a security, scheme, valuation, service or product, or to provide investment, tax or any other advice.