Dispute Valuation
Disputes related to business, family, ownership interests etc. can be unnerving and sometimes unavoidable. The accurate assessment of the economic impact and value and damages in these legal matters is crucial. We at SPA help you navigate and resolve disputes such as follows:
Mergers and Acquisition disputes:
Disputes arise on the purchase price represented and a Valuer is engaged by adjudicating authority to determine the appropriate purchase price by identifying errors, manipulations of projected cash flows and risks.
Shareholder disputes:
In many instances, there are allegations of oppression of minority shareholders or dissenting shareholders. Interest of minority shareholders need to be protected under all circumstances and their equity interest needs to be valued in a fair and unbiased manner.
Breach of Contract:
Independent valuers are appointed by Tribunals/Courts to estimate the damage caused to the plaintiff due to breach of contract. Misappropriation of Intangible Assets: Independent Valuer is appointed to estimate the erosion in value of intangibles like brand, patents, customer relationships etc on account of violation of terms of right to use these intangible assets.Matrimonial or Family Disputes:
Independent Valuer is appointed to estimate the value of estate of the spouse or family based on which the Court will issue a decree for settlement. An estate can comprise of business interest, real estate investments, jewellery, antiques and vintage cars. Valuers of SFA and tangible assets, both shall be required for drawing up the value of the estate
Alternative Dispute Resolution:
ADR refers to procedures for resolving dispute outside the Court system. ADR has become very popular in commercial world as it leads to savings in time and litigation cost. ADR can take the form of Mediation or Arbitration. For determining the award, the mediator or arbitrator will need the help of an expert to for developing damage calculations and range of potential damages. Nowadays RV is being used by many parties as an expert to support the same.